Friday, August 30, 2019

Latest tips on go there

Thai lottery 1st September 2019 4pc trace numbers

THAI LOTTERY 1-12-2019 tips for best result like King results
To guess the likely winning numbers do not look up the Tass papers or 3up tips or the sixline they usually don't work. Simple observations like what are the frequent numbers and what number will not be very important because they have already popped up in the previous draw. 1. For the last few months most winning numbers for the first prize were beginning with odd numbers that changed this time with 0,2,8,6 showing prominently on the results for the 1 april 2014 draw. so it is possible that the Thai lottery results this time would be starting with 3,6,9,7,2,1 combinations of these numbers would be quite likely.
Thai lottery 1st September 2019 trace number

2 digit tips also known as the tail number in the Thai lottery results 1-9-2019

17 16 12 21 78, 98 22 43 67 As predicted in the last tips on another site the 95 appeared and the trend neutralizing "0" was the beginning number for the 1-9-2019 Thai lottery results. 76 34 35 67 05 03 66 22 11 99 34 46 73 57 90 10 64 37 These may feature but again there is no logic involved in any lottery guess paper. It is purely observations and intuition mixed with probability based on past drawn numbers in the Thai lottery.

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